BadBlue goes WYSIWYG!
The new version of BadBlue is out:
2.64. New in this version: WYSIWYG! Cell color, font size, font typeface, font color are all supported. Plus, optimized file uploads are reported as well.
The administrator can control whether or not WYSIWYG is used. For speed reasons, it may be faster in certain cases to forego formatting (say, in an intensive data-entry situation). See the
Advanced Help for details.
Get the
free download and check it out.
What You See Is What You Get, used in computing to describe a system in which content during editing appears very similar to the final product. It is commonly used for word processors, but has other applications, such as Web (HTML) authoring. The phrase was originally popularized by comedian Flip Wilson, sportsbook, whose character "Geraldine" would often say this to excuse her quirky behavior. The expression was later applied to computer applications as the technology became practical. Sometimes it is spelled phonetically, as "Wizywig" or "Wizzywig".
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